As snowflakes swirl through the air today, and blanket the country in a picturesque white sheet, there’s a good chance you’re looking forward to bundling up inside, cradling a hot cup of tea after a hard day's work. But whilst we humans retreat indoors for warmth and comfort, guess who else has the same idea? Yep, you guessed it - rats!
Rats, like us, aren't too fond of the cold. Winter is their time to seek shelter, and unfortunately, that often means invading our properties. And why not? Our properties offer everything a rat dreams of: warmth, food, and shelter. But unlike your average guest, these uninvited visitors don’t come with good intentions - they come to chew, gnaw, and scavenge, causing damage and even spreading diseases. So, let’s talk about how rats sneak their way into our properties and, more importantly, how you can stop them.
Rats in the Winter: Why They Want In
When the temperature drops, rats are on a mission to find a cozy place to hunker down. Drains and sewers, their usual hangouts, suddenly lose their appeal as the chill sets in. That’s when they start scouting for better digs - our properties.
Rats are impressively resourceful. They’re agile climbers and excellent swimmers, making drainage systems the perfect pathway straight into our properties. All they need is a small gap to squeeze out of the pipe and boom, they're in! Did you know a rat can collapse it's ribcage?
Once inside, they’ll gnaw through wood, wires, and even insulation, leaving behind chaos and hefty repair bills. And let’s not forget their droppings and urine, which can carry harmful diseases like leptospirosis and salmonella.
How Do Rats Get Inside?
Picture this: a rat squeezes its way through a tiny opening in drainpipes, often no larger than a 20p coin. From there, it’s just a short crawl into the property. Once inside, they set up shop, often in the attic, basement, or even inside walls. But here’s the thing - they don’t stay put. Rats will regularly travel back and forth between their newfound home and the outdoors to scavenge for food and water. This back-and-forth behaviour not only increases the mess they leave behind but also opens the door (or drain) for more rats to join the party.
Prevention is Better Than Cure
Why wait until you’re dealing with a full-blown infestation? Prevention is always the smarter choice, and that’s where RatGate comes in.
RatGate is a simple yet highly effective solution designed to keep rats out of our properties for good. These ingenious devices fit snugly into the drainage system, allowing water and waste to flow freely, whist simultaneously stopping rats from travelling the other way - clever eh. Rats can’t climb in, but water and waste flow out effortlessly. And if you need to do any maintenance on the drain down the line, thanks to our patented design, you just need to lift the flap and you're good to go.
Signs You Might Already Have Rats
Think you might already have some unwelcome tenants? Here are a few tell-tale signs:
Scratching noises in the walls or ceilings, especially at night.
Droppings, typically found in dark, hidden corners or near food sources.
Gnaw marks on wood, cables, or even furniture.
A musky, unpleasant odor.
Burrow holes or grease marks along walls, indicating their travel paths.
If any of these ring a bell, it’s time to act fast because rats breed quickly. Did you know, a single pair can produce dozens of offspring in just a few months.
As we've said, Rats will regularly travel back and forth between their newfound home and the outdoors to scavenge for food and water, so by installing a RatGate you are letting them leave, but not letting them re-enter. It’s like putting up a "No Entry" sign for rats!
A Warm Home, Just for You (Not Rats!)
As the snow falls and winter sets in, there’s nothing better than being warm and snug in our own homes. But let’s keep it that way - just for families and friends, not rats. With RatGate, you can enjoy the winter wonderland outside without worrying about what’s sneaking in through your drains.
So, whether you’ve just spotted some suspicious signs or you’re looking to be proactive this winter season, now is the perfect time to install a RatGate and say goodbye to rat problems for good.